These two couples play golf together regularly at their club, and on the sixth hole, a par four, the second shot to the green must carry 80 yards over water.
One of the women, Mrs. Smith, for over a year, could never carry the water, and would always hit into it, totally psyched out by the presence of the water.
Her friend in the group suggested that she might want to see a hypnotherapist to overcome her anxiety near the water.
So the woman went to a hypnotherapist for four sessions. In those sessions, the woman was hypnotized and the therapist would "plant suggestions" that when playing the second shot on the sixth hole, she would not see water, but rather a plush green fairway leading all the way up to the green.
About six months later, a woman at the club asked whatever happened to Mrs. Smith, that she hadn't seen her playing golf at the club for almost four months now.
She was informed that five months earlier, Mrs. Smith had 'drowned' at the first leg of the sixth hole!!!
एक लोहार काफी बूढ़ा हो गया था उसने सोचा कि उसे अपने साथ किसी आदमी को काम पर रख लेना चाहिए!
तब उसने संता को बुलाया और अपने साथ काम पर रख लिया संता उससे हर काम से पहले उसके बारे में पूछ लेता!
बूढ़ा काफी चिढ़चिढ़ा और सख्त स्वभाव का था उसने संता को कहा कि वह ज्यादा सवाल मत पूछा करे जो उसे कहा जाये उसे चुपचाप किया करे!
एक दिन लोहार ने जलती हुई भट्टी से लोहा निकाला और और सन्दान पर रख दिया उसने हथौड़ा उठाया और संता को पकड़ाया और कहा जब मैं अपना सिर हिलाऊँ तो इसे पूरे जोर से मार देना...
तब से शहर के लोग किसी नए लोहार की तलाश में है!
Paranoia has reached absurd stages:
I sneezed in front of my computer and the anti-virus started a scan all on its own!
If the schools are closed for too long, I swear the parents will develop a vaccine before the scientists!
My wife and I have been in lockdown for around 36 days now.
One thing is for sure, there is no way I am retiring!
Paranoia has reached absurd stages:
I sneezed in front of my computer and the anti-virus started a scan all on its own!
If the schools are closed for too long, I swear the parents will develop a vaccine before the scientists!
My wife and I have been in lockdown for around 36 days now.
One thing is for sure, there is no way I am retiring!
इतिहास में लिखा जायेगा कि भारतीय पुरुष घर पर बैठकर 2-2 वायरस से अकेला लड़ा था!
एक 'कोरोना' दूसरा 'सुनोना'
पूरी दुनिया कोरोना की वैक्सीन बनाने के चक्कर में परेशान हो रही है और हिंदुस्तानी इसलिये परेशान हैं कि...
हमारे बनाये गोलगप्पे अच्छी तरह से फूल क्यों नहीं रहे हैं!
घर से बाहर निकला और गूगल मैप खोला तो आवाज़ आयी:
उठक-बैठक करनी है तो सीधे जाएं!
डंडे खाने हैं तो लेफ्ट जाएं!
गाडी पकडवानी है तो राइट जाएं!
भगवान ने अक्ल दी है तो वापस घर जाएं!
Between what is said and not meant, and what is meant and not said, most of love is lost.
Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace.
You don't love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.
from SantaBanta SMS https://ift.tt/3cLCrVo
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