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SantaBanta Universal Humour for March 21, 2020

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Smoked Whitefish

A young Jewish man falls in love with a Native American woman and they decide to get married. When his mother hears the news, however, she is extremely distressed because she wanted him to marry a nice Jewish girl. When she hears that not only is he marrying this Native American girl but has decided to live with her on the reservation, the mother becomes so upset that she refuses to even speak to the boy, practically disowning him.

After a year, the son telephones the mother to tell her that he and his wife are expecting a child. The mother is happy for him, but there is still quite a bit of tension in the air.

Nine months later, the son calls the mother again. "Mom," he says, "I just wanted you to know that last night my wife gave birth to a healthy baby boy. I also wanted to tell you that we've talked it over and we have decided to give the boy a Jewish name."

Upon hearing this, the mother is overjoyed. `Oh, son, this is wonderful,` she gushes. "I've been waiting for this moment all my life. You have made me the happiest woman in the world."

"That's great, Mom," replies the son.

"And what," asks the mother, "is the baby's name?" The son proudly replies, "Smoked Whitefish"

Picture SMS

Dear friends, I'm having a quarantine party tomorrow.<br/> <br/> <br/><br/><br/> None of you are invited!<br/> #JantaCurfew

Dear friends, I'm having a quarantine party tomorrow.

None of you are invited!

If I'm quarantined with my wife and I die, please be aware that it was not the Coronavirus!

If I'm quarantined with my wife and I die, please be aware that it was not the Coronavirus!

Okay, I'm done with the 90 days trial of 2020. How do I unsubscribe?<br/> #Covid_19<br/> #Coronavirus

Okay, I'm done with the 90 days trial of 2020. How do I unsubscribe?

Clean SMS

Dear friends, I'm having a quarantine party tomorrow.

None of you are invited!

If I'm quarantined with my wife and I die, please be aware that it was not the Coronavirus!

Okay, I'm done with the 90 days trial of 2020. How do I unsubscribe?


A forest bird never wants a cage.

One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving.

We must return to nature and nature is God.

from SantaBanta SMS

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